The XChange® gullet plate system is a groundbreaking innovation that allows the tree width of a saddle to be easily adjusted to fit the withers and back of any horse, accommodating changes as the horse grows or its shape evolves. The adjustment process takes only about 10 minutes, does not compromise the saddle’s strength or appearance, and can be done independently at home.
Find further information on the XChange® gullet plate system HERE.
In this video, you’ll see saddlemaster Guðmundur Árnason from Baldvin og Þorvaldur in Selfoss demonstrate how to replace a gullet plate in a saddle brought in for servicing.
This particular saddle has been frequently used by a professional rider for several years.
We always recommend cleaning saddles regularly with leather soap and leather oil and using a saddle pad to enhance the horse’s comfort and keep the saddle in good condition.